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Polecamy w Warszawie:
Half day panoramic tour

Cost of the tour is 140 PLN per person (appr. 35 EUR) paid in Polish currency. English speaking tourguides.
#1 Morning Tour

Departure from your hotel between 9:45 and 10:15.

Return to the hotel between 1:00 and 1:15 pm.

Avalilable at all times of the year.

1. The Old Town, included on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List
2. The Royal Castle with its Square, residence of monchars from 1596 to 1795, as well as the residence of the Polish President in 1918. There is also a chance to see King Sigismund's III Column- the first secular monument in Poland.
3. St.John's Cathedral, a Gotic church and witness to some of the most important events in the history of Poland with sarcophagi contaning the remains of eminement Poles.
4. The Old Town Market Square and Barbican.
5. The former Jewish Ghetto, The Memorial to the Heroes of the Ghetto, Umschplag Platz and Mila Street, site of the bunker where Mordehal Anielewicz, the leader of the Ghetto Uprising, committed suicide.
6. The Royal Route, with superb aristocratic residences and famous monuments, including the Holy Cross Church with its urns containing the hearts of both Fryderyk Chopin (1810-49).
7. The Royal Park, a walk in the most beautiful park in Warsaw commonly know as Lazienki or 'The Baths' with its 'Palace on the Water', the lavish summer residence of the last King of Poland, Stanislaw August Poniatowski (1764-95).
8. Other important places of interest: the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, the Monument of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 and the Monument to the Victims of Katyn.

#2 Afternoon Tour
Departs between 1:45 and 2:15 p.m. from your hotel (all year round)Return to hotels around 5:00 p.m.The Programme of our tour is the same as thoat of the Morning Tour.

#3 Evening Tour at Daylight
Departs at 5:30 p.m. from your hotel. Return to hotel around 8:00 p.m. The programme of the tour is the same as that of the Morning Tour except for the Palace on the Water visit.

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